Explain a hobby or expertise that you want future employers and colleges to know about you. I've always been interested in art. I've been drawing since I learned how to pick up a pencil. I always drew for my mom and dad, and they still have those drawings. I loved to draw and color until I got to high school and took visual arts. There, I learned how to draw even better and to paint. I also learned how to include details and very nice textures. Now, I'm taking my first year of photography class. Taking photos is probably one of my favorite things to do. We made our own pinhole cameras and we take pictures with them. It's really fun! Then, maybe I'm going to cooking college after I graduate. I really want to work at a five star restaurant and be a chef, or a baker. Making cakes are another of my fave things! I want to decorate cakes or something. This is what I want my future employers, bosses and colleges to know about me. And maybe I could get a job that I love!

Could your child's education been threatened by teachers on strike? Chicago public school teachers have been on strike for over a week since last monday for the first time in the city in 25 years. They wanted to maintain their existing health benifits and salary increases. Kids were out of school and as much as we don't like it, we disagreed with this protest.

There are two reasons why I opposed the teachers striking. A good reason is because other teachers around the country who aren't able to go on strike have the same problems. My school is probably worse than theirs. We have rats falling off ceilings, dead roaches in the restrooms, no heating.. we even have classes outside due to construction! My school's condition is very bad but we manage to put up with it because we're not allowed to strike. The other reason is that school keeps kids out of trouble. Who knew what your they could have been doing while their parents were out protesting. Some parents can't even afford to keep kids hpme all week. That's twice the food you could have had, because school feeds your kids. And most kids rely on school to keep them fed. So that's why I thought this protest was unnessecary.

This mattered because the kids who were out of school were missing their learning days. Teachers wanted more and more money with a better environment when that didn't even matter. They were not the only teachers with complaints and got unnecessary breaks while the rest of America was working. Parents were also struggling to keep them at home while they had jobs to go to. I don't know why they thought striking was the best decision.

What is your favorite sport? What skills are needed to become an elite athlete in that sport? As I've already made it obvious, My favorite sport is softball. I've been playing it for four years. It's a sport played as baseball but for girls and it has many similarities however a few differences. Softballs are bigger than baseballs, and despite the name, they're not soft at all. Pitches are thrown underhand rather than overhand.  Pitchers can either pitch fast or slow. The pitcher's mound is a different size than the baseball pitcher's mound. Softball is very fun to play, but people think it's boring to watch. I don't understand why? What do you think?

My dad always tells me I should eat healthy because I'm a player, but I never listened because I don't run much. Softball requires mental sharpness, alertness and quick judgment to perform. I eat sandwiches and granola bars before my games. Did you know that coffee will increase your alertness? That's really cool, because I always thought it slows you down. It's not only healthy foods that help. You also have to have great eye coordination, so you can tell what ball to hit when it's pitched, hit, or thrown to you. You have to have a lot of skill and strength. That way when you hit and throw really hard fast balls. Last, you have to have good sportsmanship because you're not going to win every game!

Do you have a favorite sport?